There is a thought process today that people are hurting financially simply because they don't make enough money. Although making more money never hurts in that regard, I would like to suggest that perhaps what we think about money is more important than how much of it we make. The author of this book has demonstrated this in his life. He has worked for McDonalds all his life. He started at an entry level position there and put up with the guffaws about him "only" working for McDonalds. He is now a multi-millionaire.
Bernard talks about doing meaningful work and how all work can be meaningful. Instead of looking down on burger flipping, he focuses on the positives and shows how it is a service. He shows how all honest work is worth doing.
The book is primarily for young people to be inspired to start saving young. However, it is good to start at any age. What I love about this book is that it thoroughly empowers people to do what they can with what they have and that they can make a difference for themselves by doing small things now.