Friday, June 2, 2017

Walgreens Savings: All this for $6.17

Today I started garage sale season and I found an office chair for my son for $5.00 but that isn't what I'm going to write about! I needed to stop at Walgreens and pick up a magnifying glass and while I was there, I found some great clearance deals!

1. Men's Multi-vitamins for .79 for 65 count AND they were buy one get one free! They had five so I picked them all up. Expiration date: 10/18

2. Fish, Flax and Borage Oils 120 count $2.19! Expiration date: 11/18

3. Emergen-C superfruit 30 count for $1.29! Expiration date: 1/18

The total for the supplements was $5.85 and then .32 tax. (There is extra on the receipt for the magnifying glass). What a deal! Every time I am in a store, I scan the clearance area and it's amazing what you can find!

Happy savings!