Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dandelion Greens for Dinner!

I haven't done much with dandelion greens in the past besides throw a few into a salad. Tonight, I tried a dandelion green side dish! I liked it. It isn't something I would want all the time but it was pretty good and it did hit the spot tonight! 

First, I picked the greens. 

Then, they had to be soaked in salt water for 10 minutes.

    Next, they had to be boiled. I also sauteed the onion mixture as the greens boiled.

Then, I sauteed all the ingredients together! 

This is certainly a frugal dish! Since we don't use any chemicals on our lawn, I just picked them right outside our backdoor! Here is the recipe if you wish to try it!

Here are the nutrition facts for dandelion greens:

Happy Savings!