Friday, April 3, 2020

Pennies, Pennies Everywhere! Make Your Own Yogurt!

Did you know you can easily make your own yogurt for pennies compared to grocery store prices? I have a yogurt maker and I will show you my process but you don't need a yogurt maker to make yogurt! 

First, you will need starter. This is from my last batch but if you don't have any starter, you can just buy the smallest container of plain yogurt from the store. 

Here is my yogurt maker. The above glass jar is like the ones that fill this maker and I can use them over and over (no trash!)

First, I take about a quart of milk and pour into a bowl. I heat the milk briefly after pouring it into the bowl. 

I add some real cream to mine because I like the thick, rich flavor. 

Then, I add my starter and stir. 

After that, I fill the jars and add it to the yogurt maker. 

I turn it on and leave it for 24 hours. You don't need a yogurt maker but, living in a cooler climate, I like the even heat that gets applied to the yogurt with the maker. 

Once the yogurt is done, I either use it in smoothies or add some jam like this for flavor. 

Here is a link to making yogurt without a yogurt maker. Easy peasy!

Happy Savings! 

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